Thursday, January 25, 2018

February 15, 2018 Solar Eclipse In Aquarius

Our second eclipse of the year will be a  solar eclipse on February 15, and it occurs at 27 degrees and 01 minute Aquarius. Eclipses generally affect the masses - events that affect most people in a large area or even worldwide. Since this eclipse occurs in humanitarian Aquarius, this eclipse could affect new and different types of innovation, originality and/or just being different or unique, and friendships. There could be new innovations and discoveries. Mercury is the lord of this eclipse and it could affect the media and other types of messengers of information, travelers, and educators.

For the US, this eclipse will affect our national debt, joint finances, investments, the stock market, taxation, insurance, pensions, and burial rights/industries and other death related industries. Uranus at the top of the chart indicates surprises and the unexpected. There are both positive and negative indicators as Uranus sextiles the eclipse point and Jupiter is in square aspect. Unique solutions are available, however there are legislative and judicial problems. Overconfidence and/or risk-taking could be a problem - especially as it pertains to real estate and land ownership concerns. Mars is squaring Venus/Neptune in this chart. There are more sexual misconduct scandals and problems on the national stage; and, deception, secrets, and miscommunications are issues. There could be disasters (or war) at sea accompanied by a high death toll; strained relationships. With Jupiter squaring Mercury, some major news stories could be overblown or exaggerated. There could be legislative attempts to rein in the national media or to regulate social media platforms such as Facebook and/or twitter. Pluto is squaring Uranus in this chart as well - indicating rebellion and resistance to a national leader (the President?) and social unrest. Look for more protests and rallies. Juno is conjunct the eclipse point. There could be changes in marriage laws and/or the rights between marriage partners. There could be a high profile marriage or divorce.

This solar eclipse falls opposite of President Trump’s natal Mars and his natal Ascendant. Therefore, this eclipse is directly related to him. This eclipse is related to the August 21, 2018 solar eclipse in Leo that we experienced last year. In this Astrologer’s mind, Trump has not dealt with Mars-type issues well in his life. This could be because Mars falls in his twelfth house but conjunct his Ascendant. He doesn’t seem aware of how his anger issues and his aggressive actions toward others undermine his objectives. Nevertheless, he does have the opportunity to do something unique, surprising, positive, and successful. My guess is that he will sabotage himself. The eclipse occurs in square aspect to his MC and progressed Vertex, so whatever happens is not likely to increase his popularity among the public. This eclipse could indicate his death, however I consider that to be one of the less likely scenarios. A fall from grace is more likely.

As always, this eclipse will affect you personally if you have planets and/or points conjunct or opposite the eclipse point (only a two degree orb). Those planets or points between 25 degrees and 29 degrees of Aquarius or Leo are included. Eclipses are Uranian in nature in that what happens is unexpected, and you might not even be certain as to what is happening for six months. For a solar eclipse, it takes about a year for the event to completely mature. Whether the eclipse is experienced as positive or negative depends on the planet that is conjoined or opposed, its place in your chart, the condition that the planet is in, and whether and how you might have prepared for what is happening (i.e. free will). If you’d like to know if you have planets or points that fall into this range, let me know. For most people, it will be experienced simply as a New Moon type event. Those are generally felt as the start of something new or a new beginning.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Miscellaneous Astrological Musings - January 2018

Indicators Of Beauty In A Natal Chart

I read a post in one of my Facebook Astrology groups about indicators of beauty in a natal chart. The post only mentioned five (which I agree with), but there are more. I thought I’d discuss some of them here.

The first one mentioned was natal Venus in the first house. This is definitely true, because Venus represents beautiful things and the first house in the natal chart deals with physical traits (along with personality). I would also suggest that the closer natal Venus is to the Ascendant, the more profound this trait of beauty will be. Aspects from other planets throughout the chart could modify or add to this aspect.

The second one mentioned was natal Neptune in the first house. Neptune is considered the higher octave of Venus, so this certainly makes sense. Neptune also adds a bit of mystery and glamour to the native.

A third one was natal Mars in the first house (especially for men). I agree with this because Mars would add an element of masculine beauty or ruggedness. Have you ever heard of someone described as ruggedly handsome. That is likely because of Mars.  

A fourth one was natal Venus conjunct natal Sun. This would be similar to Venus in the first house, except this element of beauty would be pervasive throughout the native. This one is especially true for men, but it works for women as well. A former (but fairly recent) Mr. IML from San Francisco has this aspect. He also has Mars conjunct his natal Sun, and it’s interesting that he possesses both types of beauty.

A fifth one was natal Venus conjunct natal Moon. This one adds an inner beauty to the native which surfaces from time to time. This one is especially true for women, but works for men as well. Your truly has this aspect in his natal chart. I have never considered myself good-looking, but I have been told that I am a number of times.

I would add a Libra Ascendant as an indicator of physical beauty as well. There are so many persons with Libra rising in their charts, and they can’t all be beautiful. But, Debbi Kempton Smith says this about Libra rising: “Even the toads look like good-looking toads.”  

An Interesting Couple

I have an interesting couple in my database. They are married, and the male identifies as heterosexual and the female identifies as bisexual.

The male is a Capricorn (natal Sun in Capricorn). Saturn, which rules Capricorn is conjunct the female’s Ascendant. The female is a Sagittarius. Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius, is conjunct the male’s Ascendant. Is this reflected in the charts of all married couples? No, it isn’t - it’s actually a fairly rare occurrence. The male’s natal Juno (civil marriage) is in late Sagittarius and is conjunct the female’s natal Sun.

In the couple’s composite chart, the Sun shows up in the fifth house. They are together to express love and joy as a couple and to show others that it’s possible. And, there is definitely a lot of love and joy between them, and they certainly have a good time together. Composite Venus is also located in the fifth house, and that is one of the best placements for a couple.

Is it all fun, joy, and love for this couple? Do they have any problems? Of course they have problems. What is their major problem? Composite Saturn is located in the second house of money, values, and possessions. And, it is squaring their composite Sun. The Sun/Saturn aspect might keep them together, but it’s not pleasant. So, their big issue is money, and they’ll need to work on that.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

January 31, 2018 Lunar Eclipse In Leo

We begin eclipse season on January 31 this year. The first eclipse, a lunar eclipse, occurs on January 31, 2018 at 12 degrees Leo . You will be affected by this eclipse if you have planets or points between 10 and 14 degrees of Leo and/or Aquarius. Most folks will simply experience the eclipse as a full Moon. Full Moons usually indicate a climax or coming to fruition of something, and we are normally more emotional during a full Moon. The emphasis is on creative self-expression through innovation, originality, and/or just being different or unique. The emphasis is also on children and world leaders. This will also be a super blue blood full Moon, which hasn't occurred in one- hundred and fifty years.

The lunar eclipse in Leo will affect the entertainment industry and children worldwide. Also, Leo brings world leaders into view or prominence. Transiting Jupiter forms a wide square to the eclipse point from Scorpio. Overconfidence and excessive risk-taking could be problems associated with this eclipse. Transiting Mars forms a wide trine to this eclipse point from Sagittarius. Actions taken in a legal, foreign travel or cultural, or educational sense should work out positively. Transiting Neptune is inconjunct the eclipse point which points to trouble at sea and with deception and confusion present and problematic between world leaders.

For the US, the eclipse falls in the sixth house in the eclipse chart over Washington DC. The lunar eclipse in Leo will affect the health industry, civil workers, and general employment. The employment situation (unemployment rate and pay for workers) is not as rosey and positive as it seems or was predicted. It could be that the newly passed tax cuts do not affect the national economy in the way the President and Congressional leaders predicted. The wide income gap between the wealthy and others continues to increase. We could experience the death of a well known statesman or other prominent figure. Venus opposes the eclipse point, so the “me too” movement continues, and women gain in numbers and power in government - even if behind the scenes. Venus is lord of this eclipse, so relationships and diplomacy are extremely important. Asteroid Fortuna is conjunct this eclipse point but is in retrograde motion, so it's effects will likely be unfortunate.

Transiting Mars in the ninth squares transiting Neptune in the first indicating a potential for war with a foreign adversary. It could take place at sea. The conflict is palpable and is probably with North Korea (in my view). Mercury and Pluto square Uranus (in the second house of money and finances) in this chart. Some of our powerful friends and allies could take action that affects the financial situation in the USA negatively. It could happen suddenly and surprisingly. Or. it could simply mean that their difficult economic situation affects the USA in a negative way  as well.

This eclipse point is closely conjunct Trump’s natal Pluto. He could have problems and conflicts with persons of power (behind the scenes). Pluto rules Trump's fourth house of home and family, so a family member could undermine his efforts or simply cause intense or severe trouble for him. He should be very careful as the potential for violence cannot be excluded. In addition, transiting Saturn will have begun to activate his natal Mercury square to natal Neptune aspect (in his natal chart). His penchant for playing fast and loose with the truth may cause him some major difficulties at this time.