Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Major Astrological Influences Of 2024

2024 promises to be a very interesting year. There will be more of the unexpected, more lessons to learn, more growth and opportunities, more dreams and ideals, and more transformational experiences. I’ll attempt to explain some of the major astrological influences of the year in the following paragraphs.

There are usually three Mercury retrograde periods every year. As a matter of fact, this year begins with Mercury in apparent retrograde and turning stationary  direct the very first day of 2024.. The following dates/times are local time in San Francisco, CA. The second Mercury retrograde period begins on April 1, 2024. The next Mercury retrograde period begins August 4, 2024, and the one after that begins November 25, 2024. These periods are generally marked by miscommunications, misunderstandings, problems with communications equipment, travel delays, and plans that will later need to be revised or completely changed. It’s usually better not to make important decisions or to sign contracts (or anything else) - if that is possible - during these periods. Complications and problems are too easy to encounter, and often we don’t have all the information that we need. The best thing to do is to continue to collect this information throughout the period. How these periods will affect you personally depends on where it happens in your astrological chart(s).

In 2024, Mars turns retrograde on December 6, 2024 and remains in apparent retrograde motion for the remainder of the year. Be careful regarding the actions that you take during this period. Things might very well not work out as planned, and some actions could result in a backfire.    

There will be eclipses in March, April, September, and October of 2023. They occur in Libra, Aries, and Pisces. If you’d like to know if an eclipse will affect you personally, ask me. Most people will experience these eclipses as either a Full Moon or a New Moon.

Saturn continues its transit through Pisces in 2024. Saturn affects. If you’re a Pisces, it’s time to buck up and get it together. Saturn’s transit here will affect the oil and gas industry, the motion picture industry, matters at sea or the oceans, and spiritual issues. This transit will affect you personally depending on where Saturn is transiting in your astrological chart(s) (its house placement and if it aspects any of your natal planets or points).

Uranus, the planet of change and the unexpected, will continue to transit financially conscious Taurus in 2025. Transiting Uranus will transit Taurus till July of 2025. Transiting Uranus could affect the high technology industry, astrology/astrologers, civil rights issues, and other humanitarian interests. Transiting Taurus, it could affect the banking industry, investments,  and finances. It is likely to affect the stock market as well. We might come up with new ways to make money and/or we may change the way we think about money and other possessions. Some astrologers have indicated that this transit could cause more earthquakes to occur. My own view is that this transit alone will not be the cause of more earthquakes (should we actually experience more). 

Jupiter will transit the sign of Taurus through May 25, 2024, Financial matters, the banking industry, investments, and certain types of real estate concerns are favored, The stock market is likely to continue to do well during this period. If you’re a Taurus, make the most of this final transit of Jupiter in your sign. Jupiter does not return to your sign till 2035.

Jupiter enters Gemini in late May, 2024. Primary education issues, short distance travel, the automobile industry, and the communications industries are favored during this transit. If you’re a Gemini, this could be one of the best times of your life. You have more power than you know in early June as Jupiter trines transiting Pluto. But, you could run into some challenges in mid August and late December as Jupiter squares transiting Saturn.

Neptune will continue its transit through its home sign of Pisces in 2024. The oil and gas industries will be impacted by this transit. Neptune also rules the motion picture industry (and photography) and the shipping industry.  

Pluto will continue to transit the sign of Capricorn till January 20, 2024. Pluto also retrogrades back into Capricorn in mid October and stays there till mid November. The areas related to Capricorn are due for transformation. It could influence the large multinational corporations, the leather and hide industries, and the iron and steel industries. Pluto’s effects are subtle sometimes, tend to happen over a lengthy period of time, and are very powerful. 

Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024 and stays there for much of the rest of the year. The exception is listed above. High-tech, astrology, civil rights concerns, and humanitarian issues will be affected by this transit and will be due for some transformations. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 19/20, 2023 Total Solar Eclipse In Aries


Our first eclipse of 2023 will be a total solar eclipse on April 19/20, 2023 and it will occur at 29 degrees and 50 minutes Aries. This total eclipse is visible over North West Cape in Western Australia. At least a partial eclipse can be seen from South/East Asia, Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Antarctica. This eclipse is on an anaretic degree, making it even more significant This eclipse could affect global hostilities, fires, war, accidents, and sickness. With Jupiter conjunct the eclipse point, air travel, higher education, health care, and foreign cultures are affected. The effects could be positive, although overdoing it could be a problem. The eclipse point is also conjunct fix star Mirach. And, Pluto in square aspect to the eclipse point adds intensity and power to this eclipse - perhaps not in a beneficial way.  

For the USA, the home front, family issues, women’s issues, and certain real estate (the home) issues are affected. Abortion and women’s health issues will continue to be a prominent concern. Inflation will likely be tamed (and then some) with this eclipse as Saturn squares Venus in the sixth in the eclipse chart over Washington DC. Employment numbers should be reduced considerably. However, Saturn (in the second house) is actually sextile the eclipse point The overall effects should be fairly positive. Mars in the seventh house looks troublesome. Partners and enemies are likely to be quite aggressive. And, since Mars is conjunct the Sun in the chart for the USA, the President should also be in an aggressive and feisty mood.     

As always, this eclipse will affect you personally if you have planets and/or points conjunct or opposite the eclipse point (only a two degree orb). Those planets or points between 28 degrees Aries and 2 degrees Taurus and/or Libra/Scorpio are included. Eclipses are Uranian in nature in that what happens is unexpected, and you might not even be certain as to what is happening for six months. For a solar eclipse, it takes about a year for the event to completely mature. Whether the eclipse is experienced as positive or negative depends on the planet that is conjoined or opposed, its place in your chart, the condition that the planet is in, and whether and how you might have prepared for what is happening (i.e. free will). If you’d like to know if you have planets or points that fall into this range, let me know. For most people, it will be experienced simply as a New Moon type event. Those are generally felt as the start of something new or a new beginning.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Good Luck And Opportunities Horoscope For 2023

We call the planet Jupiter the Greater Benefic for good reason. When Jupiter transits the natal planets in our charts, we often receive fortunate things and people that seem lucky for us into our lives, and we very often get a feeling of well being and generosity. Joy is a big part of it. Generally speaking, Jupiter brings his greatest gifts when conjunct one’s natal Sun, natal Ascendant, and/or natal Jupiter. Sometimes folks expect too much, however. A Jupiter transit might not indicate that you’ll win the lottery, but it can bring some very fine and beneficial events and other things into our lives. Jupiter is our largest planet by far, and it is a gaseous planet (no wonder it rules good humor). This planet enters the sign of Aries in December of 2022, and will remain there for the first four and a half months of the year. Jupiter will enter Taurus after that (mid May) and remain in this sign for the rest of the year. Below is your good luck and opportunities forecast based on Jupiter’s transit through Aries (and Taurus).

Aries –  This last year might have been one of anticipation for you. Your opportunities and good fortune might have come in spiritual form or perhaps behind the scenes. But, you might have sensed that something big was coming. Well, it’s now here. Jupiter transits your sign till mid May of 2023. All types of opportunities to expand and enrich your life will likely come to you this year. You will simply need to remain perceptive and accept these opportunities. You might also have the chance or opportunity to travel abroad. This is also a growth transit. You can easily learn much that will help you in the future. You could benefit financially during the period after that and for the rest of the year. This might be a good time to consider or reconsider what you value. The only possible negative issue this year is that your waistline might expand along with everything else. Just a bit of restraint will help with any problems that you encounter in that regard, and will help to make this one of the best years of your life.

Taurus - This last year, you probably had many opportunities presented through the groups that you belong to. And, your good luck might have occurred through them. Friendships were probably fortunate for you as well. This year, it might be a bit difficult to see opportunities and good luck at least for the first four and a half months.. But, they will occur. It’s just that these opportunities will occur somewhat behind the scenes or perhaps in the more spiritual realm. You might have opportunities to help others less fortunate than yourself. You will grow as a person if you accept these opportunities. It may seem that Something or Someone up there is looking out for you this year. And, you might sense that something big is headed your way. It is, and many of you will experience just that during the period of mid May through the end of the year. All types of opportunities to expand and enrich your life will likely come to you this year. You will simply need to remain perceptive and accept these opportunities. You might also have the chance or opportunity to travel abroad. This is also a growth transit. You can easily learn much that will help you in the future. Because of all this, 2023 could be one of your best years in quite some time.    

Gemini – You have probably had numerous opportunities in the professional and public image realm this last year. You might have been given a promotion with more responsibility, or this promotion might have occurred through a new job. Group endeavors are favored this year - at least for the first four and a half months. Your opportunities are likely to occur through the groups that you belong to and that is also where you will find your good luck. Going it alone is not advised during this period. Just remember social distancing guidelines.  And, this year you can expect many opportunities through your friends, and you might feel that your friends are lucky for you. Some of you will probably manifest a long cherished wish, goal, or dream. For the remainder of the year, it might be a bit difficult to see opportunities and good luck at least for the first four and a half months.. But, they will occur. It’s just that these opportunities will occur somewhat behind the scenes or perhaps in the more spiritual realm. You might have opportunities to help others less fortunate than yourself. You will grow as a person if you accept these opportunities. It may seem that Something or Someone up there is looking out for you this year. And, you might sense that something big is headed your way. 

Cancer – Your opportunities and good fortune will occur through your profession and public image during the first four and a half months of 2023. You might get a promotion or attain a new job with more responsibility. You’ll be in the spotlight to some extent, and others might look up to you for your leadership abilities. You might benefit through authority figures of all types - including either one of your parents. During the last seven and a half months of the year, you could benefit through groups that you belong to or through your friendships. Going it alone is not advised during this period. And, this year you can expect many opportunities through your friends, and you might feel that your friends are lucky for you.

Leo – You can expect growth and opportunities in a number of areas during the next year - January through mid May of 2023. You might receive an opportunity to travel abroad. If so, you should take advantage of those opportunities and expect to learn something from this adventure. You might benefit from the legal process. This is a good time to learn something new and go deeper into the subject area you’re interested in, because Jupiter rules higher education. Mind expansion occurs easily and in a fun way. People (especially those from other cultures) that enter your life now may be able to teach you very valuable lessons that will broaden and enrich your life in many ways. During the period of mid May through the end of the year, your public image surfaces and in a positive and fortunate way. You’ll be in the spotlight to some extent, and others might look up to you for your leadership abilities. You might benefit through authority figures of all types - including either one of your parents. You could get a promotion at work with more responsibility and money.  

Virgo – The previous year might have brought you opportunities to meet new people and network. Partnerships could have been fortunate for you. For the first four and a half months of 2023, some of those one on one relationships could deepen. You could also benefit from actions resulting from insurance, taxes, credit/loans issues, and perhaps an inheritance. Joint finances are blessed under this year’s Jupiter transit. You might also benefit from certain stock market investments. Mind expansion exercises (such as foreign travel) could be of benefit to you during the period of May through the end of the year. You might receive an opportunity to travel abroad. If so, you should take advantage of those opportunities and expect to learn something from this adventure. You might benefit from the legal process. This is a good time to learn something new and go deeper into the subject area you’re interested in, because Jupiter rules higher education. Mind expansion occurs easily and in a fun way. People (especially those from other cultures) that enter your life now may be able to teach you very valuable lessons that will broaden and enrich your life in many ways.

Libra – The last year has brought you many opportunities for work, and you might have gotten a number of job offers (for better jobs). Your health might have improved as well. However, this year through mid May you will likely find luck and opportunities through others. One on one relationships are blessed this year. That might occur through business partnerships, love relationships, or any other kind of one on one relationship. This is great news for Libra, because you are the sign of partnership. You could meet the love of your life through this transit (if that’s what you’re looking for). Or, a business partnership could pay big dividends during the latter part of the year. During the period of mid May through the end of the year, partnership finances are blessed. The above mentioned relationship could deepen. You might also benefit from certain stock market activity and/or through banks/banking. A sought after loan or line of credit could come through. 

Scorpio – This last year, you likely benefited through creative efforts or perhaps a love relationship. Children might have been a big part of your life this last year. This year, you will likely have opportunities for better jobs and work. You’ll likely have more work to do. This is especially true if you work in the healthcare industry. You might benefit through co-workers or employees who work for you. And, this transit should benefit your overall health and well being. You would definitely benefit through a new health regimen. And, your daily routine should benefit through this transit. This might not seem exciting, but this transit can provide very fortunate benefits nevertheless through mid May. One on one relationships are blessed during the period of May through the end of this year. That might occur through business partnerships, love relationships, or any other kind of one on one relationship. Don’t try to go it alone now. You probably won’t want to anyway.

Sagittarius – This last year, you probably had opportunities through your family and home. Perhaps, you expanded your home through a home improvement project or added a family member. This year, your creative opportunities increase and expand. You might be surprised as to how creative you become. In addition, a new and beneficial love interest could enter your life (if that is what you are looking for), and your opportunities for love should increase. Your romantic life could blossom. Children might become more important in your life. A child could delight you and add joy to your life. Spread some of that joy around through mid May. You are especially “in luck” if you work in a creative industry or the entertainment industry. During Jupiter’s through Taurus the remainder of the year, you might experience better health and greater joy in your daily life. You might land a desired job then as well. You might also benefit through a coworker or an employee.

Capricorn – This last year, you probably benefited through your associations with neighbors and siblings. Communications issues and short distant travel might have added joy to your life. This year, it is your home and your family that will add joy to your life and provide you with opportunities. You might add a member to your family. Or, you might expand your home through a home improvement project. You might acquire a new, bigger, and better home. Pay close attention to older family members. They can provide you with a sense of well being and security at this time. You might feel that family members are lucky for you. During the period of May through the end of the year, you could get lucky in love (if you’re available). You might also see your creative potential surge. Children become more important in your life, and a child could bring you great joy.

Aquarius –  Jupiter’s transit through Pisces has likely provided you with various monetary opportunities over the last year, and your financial position has probably improved. This year, you will be provided with opportunities through neighbors and siblings, communications issues, and short distance travel. You will probably communicate in a more positive and optimistic manner. Your community is important this year. If you do a lot of socializing this year, be sure to keep necessary social distancing in mind (and, wear your mask if needed). Your sense of well being comes through communicating with others this year. Some of you might purchase a new and better automobile. Short trips might add a great amount of joy to your life through the middle of May this year. Real estate, home, and family matters are favored during the period of mid May through the end of the year. You might expand your home through a home improvement project. Or, you might acquire a new, bigger, and better home. Pay close attention to older family members. They can provide you with a sense of well being and security at this time. You might feel that family members are lucky for you.

Pisces -- This last year has provided you with all types of opportunities, and most of them were probably very personal to you. It might have been a positive and favorable year for you in spite of adversity. This year, monetary issues are blessed. You will have opportunities to make more money and to increase your financial wealth. But, you should not stop there. You have the opportunity to find out about and to delve into your own values. What is important to you. If you know and understand this, the current transit will be that much more satisfying and enriching. You might want to share some of that increased wealth with others less fortunate than yourself. In mid May, the astrological weather changes a bit as jolly Jupiter enters Taurus. Communications issues are favored during the period of May through the end of the year. Spending time with neighbors, friends, and/or siblings could add joy to your life. Or, you might get lucky on a road trip. You find a sense of well being through community. 


Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Major Astrological Influences Of 2023


2023 promises to be a very interesting year. There will be more of the unexpected, more lessons to learn, more growth and opportunities, more dreams and ideals, and more transformational experiences. I’ll attempt to explain some of the major astrological influences of the year in the following paragraphs.

There are usually three Mercury retrograde periods every year. As a matter of fact, this year begins with Mercury in apparent retrograde. The following dates/times are local time in San Francisco, CA. In 2023, these Mercury retrograde periods will begin in an earth sign and two fire signs. The second Mercury retrograde period begins on April 20/21, 2023. The next Mercury retrograde period begins August 22, 2023, and the one after that begins December 12, 2023. We end the year with Mercury in apparent retrograde. These periods are generally marked by miscommunications, misunderstandings, problems with communications equipment, travel delays, and plans that will later need to be revised or completely changed. It’s usually better not to make important decisions or to sign contracts (or anything else) - if that is possible - during these periods. Complications and problems are too easy to encounter, and often we don’t have all the information that we need. The best thing to do is to continue to collect this information throughout the period. How these periods will affect you personally depends on where it happens in your astrological chart(s).

In 2023, we experience a Venus retrograde period in the sign of Leo. That retrograde period begins on July 22, 2023. Venus turns stationary direct about six weeks later.. Relationships will go through a period of review. Has an ex re-entered your life? It might happen, but only you can decide whether that’s a good thing or not.

In 2023, Mars begins the year in apparent retrograde motion. Mars will turn stationary direct on January 11. Be careful regarding the actions that you take during this period. Things might very well not work out as planned, and some actions could result in a backfire.    

There will be eclipses in April, May, and October of 2023. They occur in Taurus, Scorpio, and Libra. If you’d like to know if an eclipse will affect you personally, ask me. Most people will experience these eclipses as either a Full Moon or a New Moon.

Saturn finishes its transit through Aquarius in early March. Saturn entered Aquarius on December 16, 2020. Saturn affects the high-tech industry, astrology, civil rights issues, and humanitarian issues during this time. Then Saturn enters the sign of Pisces. If you’re an Aquarius, you might breathe a sigh of relief. If you’re a Pisces, it’s time to buck up and get it together. Saturn’s transit here will affect the oil and gas industry, the motion picture industry, matters at sea or the oceans, and spiritual issues. This transit will affect you personally depending on where Saturn is transiting in your astrological chart(s) (its house placement and if it aspects any of your natal planets or points). 

Uranus, the planet of change and the unexpected, will continue to transit financially conscious Taurus in 2023. Transiting Uranus will transit Taurus till July of 2025. Transiting Uranus could affect the high technology industry, astrology/astrologers, civil rights issues, and other humanitarian interests. Transiting Taurus, it could affect the banking industry, investments,  and finances. It is likely to affect the stock market as well. We might come up with new ways to make money and/or we may change the way we think about money and other possessions. Some astrologers have indicated that this transit could cause more earthquakes to occur. My own view is that this transit alone will not be the cause of more earthquakes (should we actually experience more). 

Jupiter will be transiting the sign of Aries for much of 2023. During this period, the military and policing and sporting related industries will be affected and favored.  

Jupiter will enter the sign of Taurus in mid May, 2023, and will stay there for the rest of the year. Financial matters, the banking industry, investments, and certain types of real estate concerns are favored, The stock market is likely to experience the next bull market run now.

Neptune will continue its transit through its home sign of Pisces in 2023. The oil and gas industries will be impacted by this transit. Neptune also rules the motion picture industry (and photography) and the shipping industry.  

Pluto will continue to transit the sign of Capricorn for much of 2023. The areas related to Capricorn are due for transformation. It could influence the large multinational corporations, the leather and hide industries, and the iron and steel industries. Pluto’s effects are subtle sometimes, tend to happen over a lengthy period of time, and are very powerful. 

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23, 2023. High-tech, astrology, civil rights concerns, and humanitarian issues will be affected by this transit and will be due for some transformations. Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 10.  

Friday, October 7, 2022

October 25, 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse In Scorpio


Our first eclipse of the October/November of 2022 eclipse season will be a partial solar eclipse on October 25, 2022 and it will occur at 2 degrees and 01 minute Scorpio. The eclipse can be seen from most of Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. This eclipse could affect global finances/banking, matters related to death, sex, power, and others’ collective values. Venus is the lord of this eclipse because of its close proximity to the eclipse point. With Pluto squaring the eclipse point, matters related to this eclipse are likely to be quite intense even though it’s only a partial eclipse. Matters of life and death are likely to be involved. With Mars in trine aspect to the eclipse point, actions taken could be favorable, although high expectations may not be met with Jupiter/Neptune in square aspect to Mars. Battles at sea or in the air could occur. The oil and gas industry could experience some wide swings. The effects of this year’s Saturn/Uranus square will be felt. We want to be free, but our need for security could hold us back.

For the United States, the eclipse is in the first house and what occurs here will be quite important even though the eclipse is not visible from the States. With Pluto conjunct the IC in this chart over Washington DC, homeland security could be a big issue. Power struggles are a distinct possibility. Mars in the ninth house and trine the eclipse point is favorable to the airline industry. Space exploration could benefit as well. But, with Jupiter and Neptune in square aspect, excessive or aggressive action could backfire or cause trouble. Chiron in the sixth could indicate some lingering problems related to the coronavirus pandemic during the winter months. Pluto’s sextile to Jupiter/Neptune in the fifth signals a favorable trend for the entertainment industry and the creative arts. Lilith on the MC could signal some very public and scandalous sexual episodes. We’ll see. 

As always, this eclipse will affect you personally if you have planets and/or points conjunct or opposite the eclipse point (only a two degree orb). Those planets or points between 0 and 4 degrees of Taurus and/or Scorpio are included. Eclipses are Uranian in nature in that what happens is unexpected, and you might not even be certain as to what is happening for six months. For a solar eclipse, it takes about a year for the event to completely mature. Whether the eclipse is experienced as positive or negative depends on the planet that is conjoined or opposed, its place in your chart, the condition that the planet is in, and whether and how you might have prepared for what is happening (i.e. free will). If you’d like to know if you have planets or points that fall into this range, let me know. For most people, it will be experienced simply as a New Moon type event. Those are generally felt as the start of something new or a new beginning.

Monday, July 4, 2022

America (The USA) - The Land Of The Free?


It’s the Fourth Of July - a day of celebration for the birth of our nation, The United States Of America. However, this Fourth there seems to be much sadness and consternation about the loss of our freedoms and liberties here in our nation - such as the overturn of Roe v Wade and legislation like the “Don’t Say Gay” law in Florida. 

What are some of the Astrological reasons for this? Well, the planet of restrictions, Saturn, is transiting the sign of freedom and liberty, Aquarius. Saturn, the disciplinarian of the cosmos, is requiring us to think about and decide which freedoms and liberties are worth fighting for and working for (which requires voting in every election and up and down the ticket) and which ones we could let go of. It has not been pleasant for many of us. 

The Moon, which rules the people in a location and/or event chart, is in Aquarius in all of the DOI charts. Saturn has or will be transiting back and forth over the Moon in all these charts before leaving Aquarius for Pisces. In the Gemini Ascendant chart that some astrologers use for the USA, the Moon is at 18 Aquarius. The most popular chart for the USA is the Sibley’s chart with Sagittarius rising, the Moon is at 27 Aquarius. Saturn got close but did not get to that point yet (but it will). So, we will have to work hard for the freedoms and liberties that we maintain because we are in a time of restrictions and reductions. Saturn moves into Pisces early March of 2023.

In addition to the above, it must be mentioned that the USA is experiencing its Pluto return. Pluto is returning (or has) to the place it was when the USA was born. Basically, what this means is that the nation is transforming. How and into what it transforms into has a lot to do with what Americans want and what we do about what we want.

The Supreme Court of the United States is the cause of a great deal of this angst (but certainly not all of it). The December 25/26, 2019 solar eclipse occurred opposite Jupiter in the nation’s chart. Jupiter rules the judiciary in a nation's chart. Since that time, the Court has undergone a number of changes and has moved quite a ways to the right. Justice Ginsberg has died and former President Trump appointed three new (far right) justices to the Court. Unfortunately, it appears that more restrictive changes lie ahead.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

April 30, 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse In Taurus


Our first eclipse of 2022 will be a partial solar eclipse on April 30, 2022 and it will occur at 10 degrees and 29 minutes Taurus. This eclipse is visible from southern South America, parts of Antarctica, and over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.  This eclipse could affect global finances, earth changes, and our collective values. With Uranus conjunct the eclipse point, sudden changes will likely occur with regard to the previously mentioned matters. There is potential for powerful earthquakes related to this eclipse. Diplomatic efforts are favored with Jupiter conjunct Venus. Global oil and gas industries experience favorable influences as Neptune joins Jupiter and Venus. 

For the USA, the focus is on finances and banking - probably next year’s budget and perhaps the human infrastructure bill. Inflation could be a part of the problem and scenario, although the overall economic outlook is fairly good. Employment and job matters continue to progress nicely as Mars sextiles the eclipse point from the sixth house. Saturn squares Mercury in the ninth house, and indicates serious and/or bad news from afar or related to the airline industry. Generally, the news is heavy and serious. The entertainment industry could be negatively affected as well since Saturn resides in the fifth house in the chart over Washington DC.   

As always, this eclipse will affect you personally if you have planets and/or points conjunct or opposite the eclipse point (only a two degree orb). Those planets or points between 8 and 12 degrees of Taurus and/or Scorpio are included. Eclipses are Uranian in nature in that what happens is unexpected, and you might not even be certain as to what is happening for six months. For a solar eclipse, it takes about a year for the event to completely mature. Whether the eclipse is experienced as positive or negative depends on the planet that is conjoined or opposed, it’s place in your chart, the condition that the planet is in, and whether and how you might have prepared for what is happening (i.e. free will). If you’d like to know if you have planets or points that fall into this range, let me know. For most people, it will be experienced simply as a New Moon type event. Those are generally felt as the start of something new or a new beginning.